We will post news as we have it. Remember to check back.
Summer is over: we are back, the Corner Store is open again!
Check back for our next specials. Renate’s Coaching Special has been extended (see in the Store).
Now available – Another hormone-free option, Advanced 1000(TM): hCG Amino Acids with additional appetite suppressants and energy-driving B-Vitamins to support a higher calorie diet. For anyone having qualms about taking a hormone, or anyone not interested in homeopathic hCG, this is the allopathic alternative. See it at low cost at our STORE and get all the Product Information.
It also serves as the ideal support during the 3-week transitional Phase II of the Simeons Portocol!
In January, 2012, the Shift Network, which aims to inspire a global movement of people concerned with an evolutionary shift of consciousness, sponsored a three month Season of Wellness.
The participants in the Winter of Wellness program were all asked the same question: How would you define optimal health? This is the way KIM answered the question and continued on to other, related issues. Here’s the broadcast: about taking a hormone, or anyone not interested in homeopathic hCG, this is the allopathic alternative. See it at low cost at our STORE and get all the Product Information.
It also serves as the ideal support during the 3-week transitional Phase II of the Simeons Portocol!