
Advanced 1000™

100% Hormone-free Weight Loss Formula
For Active Lifestyles
Supports higher calories metabolism of sugar, fats and proteins
with B12 For Energy and African Mango for appetite suppression

While hundreds of thousands of people have had great success on the Dr. Simeons/HCG Diet, many others do not even try it as the thought of a 500 calorie diet is too scary to them. To address this we suggest an 800-1000 calorie diet plan as a great new option. Those concerned about the low calories can now join those hundreds of thousands of people who have lost weight safely with results often as good as the original diet.
The 1000 calorie diet itself builds off the original diet increasing calories by simply adding breakfast and higher protein portions to the other meals.  To address the additional calories we offer a modified, highly successful hormone-free formula with B12 for energy and African Mango for appetite suppression in the new Advanced 1000.
The 100% Hormone-Free Advanced 1000 formula contains specific amino acids, herbs, vitamins and nutrients intended to support the same results as the Dr. Simeons/HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) diet.  The amino acids found in Advanced1000 are certified pharmaceutical grade, manufactured according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) in an FDA monitored facility in the U.S.A.  These amino acids, together with the herbs, vitamins and nutrients support muscle tissue, metabolism, appetite suppression, overall health and wellness and can be an aid in any diet.

9 Specific amino acids to support

  • natural production of growth hormone
  • muscle recovery
  • muscle growth
  • the metabolism of sugar and excess body fats

8 Herbs and Nutrients to support

  • energy and stamina
  • the metabolism of fats and proteins
  • overall health

2 Appetite Suppressants to support

  • control of appetite and optimize metabolism
  • reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and cholesterol

Amino Acids Amino Acids are the building blocks of proteins in the body. Protein makes up the muscles, tendons, organs, glands, nails, skin and hair. Growth, repair and maintenance of all cells are dependent upon amino acids and proteins that form them. Next to water, protein makes up the greatest portion of our body weight.  The amino acids found in Advanced Amino Acids include:

  • Arginine supports the natural production of Growth Hormone (GH) and supports muscle recovery. GH is produced naturally in the body and is necessary for optimal muscle and tissue repair following workouts.
  • Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in muscles; it helps build and maintain muscle tissue when combined with weight training.  Glutamine also supports the natural product of GH.
  • Ornithine helps to prompt the release of growth hormones which promote the metabolism of excess body fat (this effect is enhanced if combined with Arginine).
  • Beta-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid and is the only naturally occurring beta-amino acid found in humans.  Research indicates that supplementation with Beta-Alanine increases the concentration of carnosine in muscles, decreases fatigue in athletes and increases total muscular work done.  When combined with exercise Beta-Alanine can support muscle growth and fat metabolism.
  • Glycine retards muscle degeneration; it improves glycogen storage, freeing up glucose for energy needs.
  • Valine supports muscle metabolism, tissue repair and maintenance of proper nitrogen balance in the body; it is used as an energy source by muscle tissue.
  • Serine supports the proper metabolism of fats and fatty acids, muscle growth, and the maintenance of a healthy immune system.
  • Tyrosine is important to overall metabolism; it is a precursor of adrenaline and dopamine, which regulate mood and stimulate metabolism and the nervous system.
  • Glutamic Acid is an excitatory neurotransmitter for the central nervous system including the brain and spinal cord; it supports the metabolism of sugars and fats.

Herbals and Nutrients
These other natural supplements aid in increasing energy, stamina and endurance, reducing fat, improving mood and providing additional nutrients to support the Simeons Diet.

  • Maca is a Peruvian root that supports energy and stamina, quality of sleep, and reduces stress. Known as an adaptogen, Maca has been used for centuries in Peru to combat fatigue, weakness, and support greater adaptation to exercise. Maca contains many fatty acids, minerals and vitamins such as calcium, magnesium, silica, amino acids, antioxidants, alkaloids and sterols; Maca can be an aid in any diet.
  • Rhodiola Rose is another adaptogenic plant known to improve physical and mental performance, reduce fatigue, enhance mood and improve endurance. Rhodiola is also known to support the nervous system, memory, metabolism, and recovery time.
  • African Mango (Irvingiagabonensis) enhances the activity of the hormone Leptin that plays a role in controlling appetite and optimizing metabolism.
  • Glucomannan is a soluble, fermentable and highly viscous dietary fiber derived from the root of Amorphophalluskonjac (aka elephant yam or konjac plant) and is native to Asia.  When consumed, it absorbs water in the digestive tract, reducing absorption of carbohydrates and cholesterol by the body, supporting the use of glucomannan for cholesterol reduction, diabetes, and weight loss.

The vitamin B-12 Complex is added to the Advanced 1000 to support energy and raise the metabolism.  All B vitamins assist in conversion of carbohydrates to energy. B vitamins also support the metabolism of fats and proteins.

  • Methyl B-12, derived from methylcobalamin, has a much higher bioaviability than the form most widely available in supplements, cyanocobalamin.
  • B-6 is derived from Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate(P-5-P) and is 5 times more absorbable than other B-6’s.  B-6 is required for proper absorption of vitamin B-12.
  • Niacin is a B vitamin (Vitamin B3) known to support the production of hormones that are beneficial to the body. Niacin supports circulation and healthy cholesterol levels already within the normal range and is important to the health of the nervous system, digestive tract, skin, eyes and hair.
  • Vitamin E is added as the conversion of B-12 into its biologically active form requires vitamin E.
  • Zinc supports the production of hydrochloric acid and is an intrinsic factor in the stomach, needed to convert some of the B-12 from food sources.
  • Potassium supports the proper functioning of the heart, kidneys, muscles, nerves, and digestive system.

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