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The Mind Is Willing, But the Body Says No

June 20th, 2013

Are weight fluctuations just another name for yo-yo dieting? I don’t think so. Almost everyone in our groups and hCG clients has them. I have them. A lot of pounds lost, a few regained at some point. What now?

For me, there is a day-and-night difference when i think about my past struggles with the slow up-creep of weight after menopause: nothing I tried worked. With hCG I have the absolute reassurance that I can get a grip of it at any time again, the moment I decide to. My acting principle used to be: whenever I pass 5 pounds, like on vacation or over the holidays, I’d do a short-term “cure” for my stressed hypothalamus. Two days of hCG intake, one day of binging, 5 to 6 days of dieting with hCG or the Amino Acid equivalent. Back to normal — or that desired “normal” that can slip away again.

What I tend to forget is Phase II,  the transition time, the week or two of no sugar and no carbs. I know myself. Carbs, carbs and chocolate are my tempters. They have to be kept limited to small portions and disciplined treats. I have to remind my body and psyche how wonderful I feel when I don’t give in to the old adage, “Oh, just one more piece or portion won’t hurt me…Right now I deserve a treat!” Once my system is reset to careful, caring, healthy eating, once my discipline is restored, the cravings dissolve. I am happy again with greens, protein and  fruit. No need for lots of bread and chocolate. In case of an emergency or a big party I am able to make use of the famous Apple Day in order to balance out and correct any slipping up the scale by 2,2 pds a day. Can I always do this? No, I can’t.

Like many others I worked with, I experience periods where my body says, NOT NOW. Leave those extra 5 or 6 pounds alone and let them take care of themselves! These are often times when I feel a certain vulnerability. The  slight coating of fat feels like a protection, as if without it, on the thin side, I am a bit fragile, a bit naked, and I want to hide. I want to understand, find out why this happens. What reasons of stress or anxiety trigger this response? It makes me curious.

Do I really eat more? Drink less? Walk and exercise less? Is it really hunger or some other dissatisfied appetite? Is it some “sluggishness of soul” that turns down my metabolism?

I wait and observe. For how long will I let this be, let myself go, before I find the motivation again to act?

How about you? I would like to know what YOU do when  your body seems to say NO. Respond and get a special gift with your next order, together with a 50 % discount! Do it — act now! We’d love to hear from you!


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