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Falling off the bandwagon is the most frequent mishap on the Simeons Protocol. I’ve seen it happen again and again in our groups: someone has a party, a holiday comes up, a trip for work with lunches and dinners in good company… Two, three pounds regained over a weekend. Doubt and despair set in, resulting in another upswing on the scale. Is it even worth it? Is this after all just another diet that doesn’t ever work?

Another typical mishap among many others: the plateau. Several days, maybe even a whole week of not losing any weight! The dreaded failure is looming.  A great promise not kept. Simeons must be wrong after all – or only working for a chosen few…

Every time the group comes around with a big, warm embrace. Been there! Not to worry! Listen to the stories – there’s so much to prop you up and get you back onto that bandwagon and rolling  again. So many ideas, a pool of experience, saving graces, laughter, fresh inspiration from your fellow travelers on the path.

It’s true, and the group proves it every time: there is no failure in hCG. You’ll find your way, and with some help you’ll find it faster. It ends up working for everyone.

Of all the people we have coached and interviewed (several hundreds) only very few dropped out, mostly because they weren’t able to put enough careful, caring order into their food preparation and eating in their all too stressful daily life. Everyone else got to the goal they had set themselves – some after repeated rounds of dieting – down to the weight they really wished they had. They got there, , held, supported, coaxed, encouraged, and celebrated by their pals and way companions.


  1. deannadolittle says:

    Going well Renate. Thanks for reminding me of the plateau. I will follow your instructions to help get over this stall. Good advice.

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