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You’ve Asked About Our Products


This is some basic information for you. We are building our Product Info sheet right now in the Corner Store, and you will very soon find exact contents of our products!

Our Oral Homeopathic hCG:

This homeopathic formula of hCG is of the highest quality, compounded at an FDA-approved pharmacy. There is a lot of misinformation online on this. You will find people saying that homeopathic hCG has NO hCG in it and that therefore the preparation is a fake. This is a basic misunderstanding of homeopathy, which is based on progressive dilution of the original substance. In addition, homeopathic remedies are subject to vigorous shaking and striking the substance hard on an elastic body. This process is called succussion. Every dilution, followed in turn by succussion, increases the effectiveness of the product. Homeopaths call this potentization. Dilution often continues until none of the original substance remains but nevertheless the remedy is found to be effective. Why? Homeopaths believe that water has memory and retains something like a holograph of the original substance.

100 % Hormone-Free Amino Acid Formula

This 100% Hormone-Free Amino Acid formula is allopathic, not homeopathic. It contains specific amino acids plus additional herbs, vitamins and nutrients. In combination, they are intended to offer the same weight-loss results as hCG in the Simeons Protocol. The scientist we studied with in Buenos Aires talked about the close resembles between the molecular structure of hCG and an amino acid. The amino acids found in 100 % Hormone-free Amino Acids are certified pharmaceutical grade, manufactured according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) in an FDA monitored facility in the U.S.A. The combination of herbs, vitamins and amino acids offer support to metabolism, the movement of fat, and to muscle tissue. They can be used as an aid to any diet.

Advanced 1000

This is another allopathic, hormone-free preparation intended for dieters who would like more calories in their diet. People are often scared to death when they are told they will be on a 500 calorie diet. In most cases they don’t understand that they will be nourished by the stored fat they are burning, which explains the outstanding ability of the Simeons’ protocol to reduce or often eliminate hunger. Nevertheless, many people prefer to have a slightly higher-calorie diet. This formulation is intended for them. The 800-1000 calories in this diet are achieved by the addition of higher protein portions in breakfast and/or the other meals. The principles of the protocol remain the same, however: no fat, almost no carbs, a mixture of vegetables, a lot of water, a good amount of protein.
We have found that Advanced 1000 can be great as a transitional support in Phase II of the Protocol. It can also be very useful AFTER the Protocol when you are slowly starting to eat normally again.

2 Responses to “You’ve Asked About Our Products”

  1. franheld1233 says:

    Thanks guys, that’s something I’ve always wondered, and now I think I might try homeopathic one day. Wish I had known about this new Advanced 1000 after my round of dieting. Some folk I know just continued with HCG even after diet. What do you think of that?

    • admin says:

      This is not something we recommend, but we’ve heard about it in Argentina, where researches are doing just that. hCG has a well-known mood-enhancing effect on a lot of people. Some say it’s like a mild anti-depressant. Taken in a low dosis, the Argentinians said, like 5 to 10 drops a day, it could support portion control and balanced mood, and they think it can’t harm you… Lots of things are being experimented with around hCG, everywhere. So this is one of them. Good to check with your general doctor in any case if you want to experiment!

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