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What is the difference between homeopathic and allopathic preparations?
Homeopathic is a highly diluted form of an allopathic substance. It is progressively diluted until virtually nothing of the original substance remains, although it is thought that the structure of the original is retained and is in a sense “remembered” by the dilution. Our local pharmacist, who participated in our groups, compared it to a “hologram.”
Many people don’t believe there is anything to this, but homeopathy is widely practiced in alternative medicine and we, among millions of others, have found it to be highly effective.

IS the allopathic preparation stronger or more effective than the homeopathic?
This varies from person to person. Many, many of our customers have been extremely successful with the homeopathic, others, having tried both, feel that the allopathic controls hunger better. I’ve tried all of them and find that they are equally successful both at facilitating weight loss and lessening hunger.

Is it possible to do several periods of the weight-loss protocol?
The news about this is highly encouraging: the second and third and fourth experiences of the protocol are progressively easier. Weight goes off faster and there is no hunger. I can’t vouch for this personally, having used hCG only once, for three weeks, but I have been told this by any number of clients. Renate has tried the Advanced Amino Acids in a second round and found the experience even faster and easier.

Will weight be gained after the protocol?
Weight can be regained if one simply returns to one’s usual way of eating, high in carbs and sugar. We have designed a special approach to the transitional phase, which is helping people develop a new way of eating. It is slow and progressive and has had an excellent impact on subsequent weight-stability. As I’ve said before, a support group, especially during this period, is highly recommended. (And by the way, they are often filled with laughter.)

Do you have an allopathic form of pure hCG (otherwise known as the ‘real’ hCG)?
We have access to this as drops but would like to know how many of you are interested in it before we place an order. Let us know, please. It’s a good deal more expensive than the homeopathic preparations because of the presence of the allopathic hCG.
Reducing our price as much as possible for the Winter of Wellness participants, a 2fl. oz bottle would cost $65.00 plus shipping.


Do we each pay $240 or $40 each for the full 6 weeks?
Our Spring Special price is: $240.00 for the whole 6 weeks of the Protocol.

Does the price include the HCG? Are there any other costs involved for the 6 week support?
It doesn’t include the hCG but we will of course sell it at the WW discount. No other costs.

How often do we meet on the phone together each week?
We meet once a week. For 30-50 minutes depending on the group size.

Will we get you as the moderator?
I will most likely not be the moderator. Renate will do the groups. I’m rather shy and not very good at leading groups. However, I will do the individual consultation.

When will the WOW groups start?
They can start as soon as enough people show interest. One person has asked for an April starting date.


  1. deannadolittle says:

    Thanks for answering those questions in detail. I am progressing after two weeks. I do want to contact you in the future for a private session, so I will email you. Thanks again. Deanna

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